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MW6 Aztec font package can print Aztec barcode as a font, Win32 DLL encoder and .NET class library encoder are provided, the encoders are different for the trial version package and the full version package, the trial version encoders append "MW6 Demo" to the string encoded with Aztec.


The Aztec symbols are square overall on a square grid with a square central bullseye finder, the smallest Aztec Code symbol is 15x15 modules square and it encodes 13 numeric or 12 alphabetic characters, the largest Aztec Code symbol is 151x151 and it encodes 3832 numeric or 3067 alphabetic characters or 1914 bytes of data.


There is only 1 TrueType font file (MW6Matrix.ttf) bundled with the font package:

Font name

Height/Width of a module at 12 points

MW6 Matrix

1/30 inch


The above font file is same for the trial version package and the full version package, copy MW6Matrix.ttf file to the Windows Fonts folder.
